Posts tagged Diets

What To Do When Diets Stop Working

“For every diet there is an equal and opposite binge.” —Geneen Roth Most emotional eaters or binge eaters get to a point where their old faithful quick-fix—dieting—stops working.… read 

Surrounding Yourself with People That Help You Get Sane About Food

Sitting on a bike in between two of my friends in a spinning class on a recent Saturday morning, I realized how fortunate I felt to have people… read 

Is It Possible To Focus on Weight Loss and Recovery At The Same Time?

This 20-year-old reader asked me something all overweight overeaters have wondered at one time or another: Can I lose weight and get better at the same time?… read 

How Did Your Mom's Relationship With Food Affect Your Own?

Even though my mom was always naturally slim, she kept her share of calorie counting books around the house. And she used to go on weird juicing kicks—or… read 

The Worst New Year's Resolution You Could Possibly Make

[youtube=] OK, get this: I’ve been diligently working on my recovery from binge eating disorder for years, right? And I’m about to write a book on how to… read 

Someone's Got a Case of the I'll-Start-Over-Again-on-Mondays…

I was sitting here on Sunday night writing this post after having a pretty productive day, and it struck me how different Sunday nights used to be for… read 

What Crazy Diets Have You Tried?

Ever been tempted to click on those ubiquitous “Lose Your Belly Obeying This One Simple Rule” diet ads? Of course you have. It’s human nature to want a… read