Posts tagged weight loss

"Is HealthyGirl Only For 'Young' Women?"

I got this note from a 51-year-old reader and wanted to share. The “age” question is one I’ve gotten more than once: Q: Is this site only for… read 

Has the Number on the Scale Ever Ruined Your Whole Day? reader Carly, 20, is having some trouble with her scale—as in, the number she sees on it in the morning is dictating her moods. Sound familiar? Yep,… read 

Is it Possible to Lose Weight Without Slipping Back into Disordered Eating Habits?

I think the answer to that question is yes. But timing—timing is absolutely everything. Here’s a question from reader Heather, who’s wondering if she’s ready to deal with… read 

Finding a Balance Between the Desire to Recover and the Desire to Lose Weight

It’s Week 2 of the Book Club—and, as you know, we’re reading Crave by Cynthia Bulik, Ph.D. You don’t have to be reading along in the book in… read 

What To Do When Diets Stop Working

“For every diet there is an equal and opposite binge.” —Geneen Roth Most emotional eaters or binge eaters get to a point where their old faithful quick-fix—dieting—stops working.… read 

Is It Possible To Focus on Weight Loss and Recovery At The Same Time?

This 20-year-old reader asked me something all overweight overeaters have wondered at one time or another: Can I lose weight and get better at the same time?… read 

How I'm Getting Sane About Food: A Q&A With Glamour's Margarita Bertsos

Margarita Bertsos is an assistant editor in the health department at Glamour-and a recovering emotional eater. She’s written very honestly for the magazine about her struggles with (and… read