Posts tagged recovery

Is It Just A Bump in the Road, or Are You "Failing" at Recovery? reader Jessica, 20, has been having a bumpy time and has started to question whether she’s maybe just…a lost cause. She’s written in before and found all… More 

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Is it Possible to Lose Weight Without Slipping Back into Disordered Eating Habits?

I think the answer to that question is yes. But timing—timing is absolutely everything. Here’s a question from reader Heather, who’s wondering if she’s ready to deal with… More 

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How Has Having a Healthier Relationship With Food Changed Your Life?

Hi all! You may or may not have noticed that I’ve been a little more quiet than usual. I’m nearing the manuscript delivery deadline for my book, and… More 

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What Procrastination Has to Do With Your Eating Habits

Although I am luckily no longer in the place in my life where I have to take finals and write long research papers, I do remember it as… More 

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The Ebb and Flow of Getting Sane About Food and Your Body

Like most things in life, there is an ebb and flow about dealing with food and body stuff. It’s something that I have begrudgingly learned to accept (albeit… More 

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When Did You Know You Were Really Ready to Change?

They say that it takes the average smoker seven attempts to finally quit. What about your average binge eater? How many times have you and I vowed to… More 

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Are You Ever Afraid to Start Eating When You Feel Emotional?

I’ve written a lot in the past about eating habits getting out of control when feeling emotional (or trying NOT to feel emotional), but I had an experience… More 

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The Binge Monster Comes Out at Night

Bingeing used to be worst for me at night. Once the sun would go down, it was like all my fears and anxieties came out, and of course,… More 

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Do You Use Food to Calm the Anxiety of Uncertainty?

I was reading yesterday’s  post and thinking about reader Yuki’s concerns about using food during a time when she is about to finish high school and the future… More 

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How Your Relationship With Food Reflects Your Relationship With Yourself

The first time I thought about the idea that one’s relationship with food reflects the relationship one has with themselves, was when I read some Geneen Roth books… More 

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