Sane food advice from the Tweeterspheres? Yes!
It’s Food-Sanity Friday! There are so many little bits of great food and body wisdom on the Twitterwebs-so I’ve compiled my favorites of the week here. Let me know what you think, and please feel free to share your own.
“We think about food constantly, except when we’re eating it.” Do you “check out” when you eat? Practice awareness. @balancedeating
Who we are is who we choose to be, and at any moment we can choose peace, joy and love instead of chaos, drama and negativity. [I'd say that the same can apply to what we eat.—Sunny] @walterdoc
Sometimes “I want a brownie” means “I want love,” “I want attention,” “I want comfort,” or “I want rest.” @EatWhatYouLove
You can’t know when there’s anything you can do to improve a problem if you’re eating to block awareness of the problem. @normaleating
I’ll end with a really important one: If any of you want extra help, have questions about eating disorders or bingeing or want a referral to a therapist, this National Eating Disorders Association hotline is free and anonymous:
We are here for you M-F 8:30-4:30 PST. You don’t have to be alone any longer. Recovery is Possible. Call now 800-931-2237 @NEDAstaff
If you’re on Twitter, follow me at @hlthygrl to get a new Food-Sanity tip every day. Happy weekend!
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[pic via clevercupcakes]
I didn’t realize how much I use food as a reward — as well as money. After the guy I was seeing told me that he’s going back to his ex-gf last night, my friends dragged me out to a very expensive dinner “because I deserve it”. Granted, the food wasn’t entirely unhealthy — I had caramelized figs with goat cheese and almonds, braised beef with carrots, and for dessert we had dark chocolate fondue (which at this point I could only eat two strawberries with chocolate before I keeled over from fullness). Just reading this article after last night has made me think about all the other times a guy has screwed me over, or I bombed an exam, or something awful has happened and I am treated to an eating extravaganza because “I deserve it”. While I don’t necessarily think that I would stop doing the “fancy dinner after heartbreak” thing, I would say that I’m more willing to watch my choices when I am out on those dinners instead of completely overindulging just to make myself feel better — especially because it’s more about the time I’m spending with my friends that makes me feel better, rather than the food.